Sunday, November 18, 2007

Over the Meadow and Through the Woods...

This coming Thursday is Thanksgiving.

Valerie and I are heading up to Reno early Thanksgiving morning (o'dark hundred) to stay with My sister and her family. We try to rotate holidays between each side of the family. We will join my brother and Cousin from Ireland.

Things have changed over the years, We used to go over Grandparent's house in Long Beach, CA or they would join us in Orange County--Less than 20 miles away. As we moved around the country, it started changing. With our year in Canada, we celebrated it in October. As we lived in different areas, we celebrated with our parents.

When Ma moved to Reno, we started traveling up to my sisters. Instead of driving--we now fly. Two years ago, Valerie and I drove up there and ended up snowed in for two days. Now, we worry about making the flight, parking and getting through security. And of course, the weather.

This is all about family and now our family is concentrated in the Reno-Sacramento area. We will spend Christmas with Valerie's side. They are located in Long Beach--not too many issues such as parking, security or snow.

I will enjoy celebrating with nieces, nephews and the rest of the family. I will eat too much good food. Most importantly, I will share the experience and create memories with family.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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